NMEA 2000 Data Conversion

AHD-UCC MAN-to-N2K converts engine data of common engine types to NMEA 2000 messages, for example for the display on NMEA 2000 compatible plotters.

AHD-UCC MAN-to-N2K supports MAN engines of the types EDC, VR and VNew with the engine control units EDC5 and EDC7 and standard J1939 engines of other manufacturers, such as CAT, MTU, John Deer, Cummins...

With 2 CAN interfaces AHD-UCC can be integrated into the engine system, the third CAN interface is used for forwarding the converted data to the NMEA 2000 system. All CAN interfaces are DeviceNet compliant.

For each engine one AHD-UCC MAN-to-N2K is required. AHD-UCC MAN-to-N2K is available in 2 variants: One for portside and one for starboard engines. 

Product Features

  • Conversion of data of MAN and standard J1939 engines to NMEA 2000
  • Supports EDC, VR, VNew with EDC5 or EDC7
  • DeviceNet compliant connection to the engine and the NMEA 2000 system