Контроль, индикация и АПС
Maritime Displays and Panel Computer
All displays in our product line were designed with the goal of providing the best possible platform for graphic user interfaces. Our displays appeal through design, intuitive operation, and individualized visualization options. Data from external systems can be captured and processed with ports that meet the requirements of the modern maritime industry.
The monitors of the 11-series (10”, 15”, 19”, 24”) are especially suited as display devices for external sources. On the other hand, the panel PCs of the 12 and 13-series combine the same, excellent display properties with an integrated, powerful PC system.
Furthermore we offer proven controller-based display systems in compact dimensions (4.3" - 8.8"). These are suitable as graphical alarm display units on smaller ships, for secondary displays in cabins and other areas, as well as display and alarm units for stand-alone applications.
The displays’ main functions are identical throughout the entire product line. The brightness is always matched to the ambient light, ensuring glare-free operation while cruising at night and optimum readability during sunlight. The displays can be integrated flush and watertight into consoles and switch boards. Most displays include an integrated touch screen and can be easily operated with our control panels.
AHD 1145 GW
45” Widescreen Display with Glass Front
AHD 1124 G
24” Display with Glass Front
AHD 1219 G
Панельный компьютер со стеклянным экраном
AHD 1119 G
Информационные Дисплеи со стеклянным экраном
AHD 1119 GS
19" Desktop Displays with Glass Front and Touch-Screen
AHD 1119 GP
19" Displays with Glass Front and Touch-Screen (horizontal installation)
AHD 1319 GW
19" Displays with Glass Front and Touch-Screen (ultra-wide)
AHD 1215 G
Панельный компьютер со стеклянным экраном
AHD 1115 G
Информационные Дисплеи со стеклянным экраном
AHD 1312 GW
12.3" Panel PC with glass front and touch
AHD 1310 G
Панельный компьютер со стеклянным экраном
AHD 1110 G
10” Display with Glass Front
AHD 880 G
8,8” Сенсорный дисплей со стеклянным экраном
AHD 880 E
8.8” Цветной дисплей для двигателей с сенсорным экраном
AHD 652
Цветной дисплей 6.5”
AHD 570
5,7“ LCD Цветной дисплей
AHD 570 DP
5,7“ LCD Цветной дисплей
AHD 430
4,3'' Touch Screen Display
AHD 1200
Embedded PC
AHD 1300 Slim (Black Box)
Embedded PC
Контроль и управление с помощью планшета
Доступ к системам Böning через интернет
Панель контроля вахтенного/вызова механиков
AHD 406-2
Каютная панель контроля вахтенного/вызова механиков